Captain Taylor - Introduction
To understand the turns, you need to know a couple of points.
- "The Review" is a fictional Neo Nazi Apologist organisation. One of the
leaders was severely injured during an FBI investigation in to certain illegal activities.
The initial investigation answered the question it had been set, but raised
several other issues. The FBI unit in question were "Section 27",
headed by Dr Amanda Malcolm.
- Captain Jack Taylor, also a member of "Section 27", the FBI section in
question, was instructed to infiltrate the group on a more long term basis to see
what he could find out.
- Staying in an FBI funded flat, Captain Taylor set about making himself
- The story was written in a sort of "order-reply" format, leading to a
slightly odd "second person" story telling style. In retrospect, it's a little
off putting, but shouldn't present too many problems.
- This story is is copyright Michael Lay and Arthur "Captain Taylor" Boff.
Notable People:
- Amanda Malcolm - Head of the FBI's section 27.
- Jack Taylor - FBI agent working for section 27.
- Henry (Heinrich) Glasser - Elderly German doctor arrested during a Section
27 investigation into missing cadavers. Wanted by the British governemtnn in
connection to war crimes abuses during the second world war.
- Peter Hames - Current President of the Review.
- Allen Bhrunt - former secretary of The Review now faicing mail fraud