Apothecary Contacts

You can always post to the forum " The_Apothecary_Forum@yahoogroups.com ". Alchemists in specific dungeons are shown below:
Contact Notes
Central  Cordelia Marluk Yes. No Email: michael.lay@ctsu.ox.ac.uk
Post: Mike Lay, 8 Begbroke Lane, Begbroke, Oxford
Can also deliver to Safe Haven or Shadow Guild safe house.
Red Mntn Keep Danwer Waldail  Not yet.  Not yet.  Email: Laidlaw_treky99@yahoo.com
Post: Andrew Laidlaw, 7 Kerr Street, Barrhead, Glasgow, G78 1JS
Can deliver to safe haven. If you can't see me in you're current location & wish to buy then wait at the apothecary guild hall.
Drax Knowitall (382)  Yes No. Can make rings.  Email: goingtohell@tiscali.co.uk
Post: "Honest Ron", 16 Lansdown RD , Pucklechurch , Bristol , BS16 9RG
Can deliver to safe haven, dead zone and some dungeon level 2s. Will trade for items.
Miasma Archibald Graybeard Yes No Email: GAHU@aol.com
Post: Gary A Hughson, 7430 Dakin St K-104 Denver CO 80221 USA 
Will shortly be able to make animates (as of 20-Nov-2001)
Caverns of Hasjan Lady Leanne de Poldoon (10936) Yes Yes
Email: ian_whittaker1@yahoo.co.uk
Post: Ian Whittaker 9 Rutland Close, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 7JH. Tel: 0113 2861631 (U.K)

Hells Deep Octavius Vere No Yes Email: kingghidorah123@hotmail.com
Post: Mark Adams, Flat 1A, 41 Victoria Crescent, Eccles, Lancs, M30 9AN.

This page is part of the Apothecary web site. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please contact my scribe .